
Android 12 Vs iOS 14

Believe it or not as most of you know Android 12 has just came out in  a developer beta so this is a beta of a  beta  and i kind of wanted to do a speed  comparison against the phone that's kind  of in the same category which is the  i-phone 12. It has a little bit of a better chip-set  than the pixel 5 on android 12  but i wanted to see the smoothness  factor and just kind of see how both of  these things compare so  this one again is running a beta of a  beta i'll probably do another video of  this when the public beta comes out and  then when the official version comes out  but let's go and see how both of these  compare and a quick little speed test  between  android 12 and ios 14. Now hopefully i  have already cleared out all the apps in  the background and as you can see i have  not for the pixel 5 so let's go and  clear these out  now let's go and start loading up some  basic apps let's do their designated app  stores  three two one and you can see the pi